Dance Mania is an online Contest (hereinafter referred to as “Contest”) being organized by Wizcraft ME Global Events FZ LLC (Organizer/Company), the Contest is open to all dancers and choreographers (“Contestants”).

Contest Participation
  • A Contestant to be eligible to enter the Contest must be at least 18 years of age or above. While registering for the Contest online, Contestants shall upload their valid proof of age, nationality, and such other information or documents as may be required by the Organizer.
  • The Contestant has to be a resident of India and must provide proof of residency and nationality to successfully register for the contest.
  • The Contestant has to register an account with IIFA and fill in the form as may be prompted on the App or the website of IIFA to enter the Contest. The Contestant must upload and submit, their video entry of them dancing to a Bollywood song. The video must not exceed 60 seconds. Video files created using most digital cameras, camcorders, and mobile phones such as in the .AVI, .MOV, .WMV, and .MPG file formats, are accepted.
  • The Contestant has to pay an entry fee as may be fixed by IIFA for entering the Contest. This entry fee is non-refundable and is a prerequisite for the validation of the participant's entry. The International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) bears no obligation in this regard. Please note that the payment of the entry fee does not guarantee any rights or claims; it merely serves to validate the Contestant's submission. The entry fee once paid, under no circumstances, will be refunded as it is an administrative fee and required for processing the applications of the Contestants. The payment of the entry fee does not guarantee that the Contestant will be shortlisted. The Contestant agrees and acknowledges that the entry fee will not be refunded to the Contestant in any case.
  • All entries must be paid for, and Contestants must accept these Terms and Conditions in order to be officially entered into the Contest.
  • The Contest opens on 6th September 2024 and the last date for submitting the entries is 18th September 2024.
  • There is no limit to how many times the Contestant may enter nor is there a limit on the number of styles and categories the Contestant may enter. Contestants are free to submit as many individual entries as they wish and each entry will be judged separately.
  • Any entry in any style or category displaying suggestive and/or inappropriate content will be disqualified.
  • Dancers (and their parents/legal guardians, if applicable) and organizations associated with the entry must agree that, if the Contestant(s) make it past the First Round, their videos, names, and website URLs may be published in the Gallery of Finalists. It may happen that some excerpts of some videos be used to promote the dancers, choreographers, dance studio/school/company, or the IODC competition itself through e-mail, social media, on websites, or through other electronic means.
  • The Contestant undertakes to provide and/or execute any documents as may be deemed necessary by the organizer to effectively carry out his/her obligations under the Contest and/or T&C.
  • Participation by anyone shall be rejected if it is found that the participant(s) have provided wrong information to the organizer.
  • The Organizer shall not be responsible in any circumstances for the non-fulfillment of commitments/obligations of a Third Party.
  • By entering the Contest, the Contestants accept these Terms and Conditions together with any specific instructions and terms for the Contest, which may be mentioned on-air, in any electronic messages, on the website, or communicated to Contestants in any other way (“Contest Information”). Such Contest Information shall prevail in the event of there being any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any Contest Information.
  • Please note that any violation of any of these rules or violation of any of the clauses in these Terms and Conditions of this competition will be grounds for disqualification. In the event of disqualification, the entrant(s) will be notified as soon as the disqualification has been determined. No refunds will be given to disqualified entrants.
  • We reserve the right to cancel or amend the Contest, Contest Information, or these Terms and Conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to, changing the dates of, postponing, or expanding the competition at any time and in any manner we deem fit. Any changes will be posted either within the Contest Information or these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions were last updated.
  • We reserve the right to deduct points from or disqualify any entry or Contestant that does not adhere to the rules and regulations.
  • The Organizer's decision in all matters to do with the Contest will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Upon entering the Contest, Contestants agree and attest that they have the permission from pertinent parties to use any video recording that they enter into the Contest.
  • Determining the Correct Age Group to Enter: Dancers' ages are determined by their age at the time of the filming of any video submitted.
  • Entries must be completed in accordance with the entry process set out above. No other method of entry will be accepted. Entries that do not meet these criteria may not be considered.
  • Entries will not be complete until Contestants have included a YouTube link or uploaded their video entry and have accepted these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to disqualify any entries submitted and/or finalized after the Contest has closed.
  • The Contestant must keep a digital, hard copy, or sustain the YouTube link of their video entry. If required, Contestants may be asked to supply the original recording of, or link to, their video entry for use in connection with the Contest, including (but not limited to) for potential broadcast online or transmission by any electronic means.
  • All video entries will be subject to moderation. We and/or their agents have absolute discretion to accept or reject any video entry and to remove any video entry already accepted without giving reasons for the decision. We may in particular refuse to upload any video entry for the following reasons:
    • inclusion of defamatory or malicious content;
    • inclusion of content in video entries to which someone else owns the copyright or other intellectual property rights, such as music, singing, choreography, trademarks, logos, insignia, location signage, sculpture, posters, pictures, photographs or other artwork, music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or films made by other users, without the requisite authorizations;
    • breach of these Terms and Conditions.
  • By entering the Contest, Contestants warrant that all information submitted by them is true, current, and complete. Contestants also warrant that they are the copyright owners of their video entries and must not infringe the intellectual property rights, privacy, or any other rights of a third party.
  • By entering the Contest, Contestants understand and agree that:
    • The Contestants grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable, and transferable license, which shall be exclusive for worldwide broadcast online and non-exclusive for all other forms of media, to use their entries for whatever purpose including, without limitation, in connection with (i) any Programme produced in relation to the Contest or containing any information in relation to the Contest, including, without limitation, promotion and redistributing part or all of any such Programme (and derivative works thereof), and (ii) our internet websites, wireless applications, interactive television, video on demand, and any other media or technology (including, without limitation, internet protocol, wireless or interactive platforms or interfaces) through which we distribute content to end users, whether now existing or hereafter developed in any and all media formats and through any and all media distribution and advertising and promotional purposes, without accounting, notification, credit, payment, or other obligation to Contestants. For the avoidance of doubt, these rights include, without limitation, the absolute right to edit and/or alter any entry, distribute and synchronize all or any portion of any entry in timed relation to any other visual elements; to webcast, podcast, re-publish, re-broadcast, re-platform, port, syndicate, route, and link to and from all or any portion of any entry; to encrypt, encode and decode, and compress and decompress all or any portion of any entry; to edit, mix, combine, merge, distort, superimpose, create or add special effects, illusions and/or other material to or of all or any portion of any entry; to create composite, stunt, comic or unusual photographs, videos, animations, motion pictures and/or voice reproductions from all or a portion of any entry; and to excerpt and/or extract portions of any entry in order to host, store, index, categorize and display entries on or through the Platforms. We reserve the right to use (or not use) Contestants' entries at all and/or as little of the entry as we so choose;
    • The Contestants indemnify the Contest Parties (defined below) from any claim in respect of their entry;
    • To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Contestants unconditionally give us their consent to any act or omission that would otherwise infringe on any moral rights they may have in and in relation to their entries, and they undertake that they will not institute, maintain or support any claim or proceeding for infringement of any moral rights they may have in and/or in relation to their entries.
  • None of our employees, officers, servants, agents, or any other party or organization involved in the management, promotion, or administration of the Contest, or its entry, or implementation of any prize (or their agents or subsidiaries involved in any way in the Contest or any prize) (together the “Contest Parties”) will accept responsibility or liability for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft, destruction, alteration of, or unauthorized access to entries, or entries lost or delayed whether or not arising during operation or transmission as a result of server functions (including but not limited to security functions by software used by us or any third party), virus, bugs, or other causes outside its control. Proof of submission online is not proof of receipt by us.
  • Any entries that are incomplete, incorrect, inaudible, incomprehensible, or do not comply with the rules of the contest or these Terms and Conditions, may be deemed void by us.
  • In the event of any fault, mistake, misunderstanding or dispute concerning the correctness or acceptability of the entry, or the operation of any part of the Contest, or the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, the decision we make shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • We will not be liable to reimburse any expenses incurred in entering the Contest.
  • We reserve the right to disqualify any Contestants and/or entries which it believes have not been made in compliance with these Terms and Conditions or to disqualify any Contestant found to have tampered with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or to be acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to threaten, abuse or harass any other person.
  • Contestants agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the competition shall be solely within the discretion of the Dance Mania and that all results of a competition are final. Dance Mania has the right to change the manner and method at any time deemed necessary.
  • The Contestant shall not raise and waive any right to question the selection process, non-selection of the applicant and/or selection of any other applicant.
  • IIFA will shortlist Finalists from all the entries received.
  • The Finalist's first names and surnames, as well as the studio, company, school, or other organization they represent or have trained at may be published, provided that the name of the studio, company, school, or organization was provided at the time of entry to the Contest.
  • 1 (one) male Finalist and 1 (one) female Finalist shall be declared as the “Winner” of the Contest.
  • We reserve the right to select an alternative Finalist in the event that a Finalist is unable to be contacted.
  • Finalists or Winners may be asked to do video interviews for public broadcast through e-mail, social media, on websites, or through other electronic means. This will most likely take the form of self-taping with a smartphone video camera.
  • The Winner of the Contest will have the chance to dance on stage at the 2024 IIFA Awards with a celebrity.
  • The Organizer shall provide the Winner with air travel and hospitality for their stay during the IIFA Awards. IIFA may facilitate the Visa application; however, IIFA shall not be responsible for the Winner's Visa approval and the Winner shall solely be responsible for arranging their own Visa for the country where IIFA Awards 2024 is being hosted (“IIFA Destination”).
  • The Organizer reserves the right to change the Winner if, after the announcement of the Winner, the Winner is found guilty of misrepresentation, or ineligible for travel at the IIFA Destination, or for any reason that will make it impossible to perform at the IIFA Awards, including failure of the Winner to execute additional documents.
  • The Winner shall be required to execute such additional paperwork as may be required by IIFA.
  • The selection of the Shortlisted Participants and Winner will be at the sole discretion of the Organizer.
  • By participating in this Contest, Contestants acknowledge and accept these terms. Please note that the decision of the Organizer is final and binding.
  • IIFA will not be liable for any loss, damage, or cancellation of this contest caused by events beyond its reasonable control including war, natural calamities, floods, failure of telecommunication network, etc.
  • Participants agree to fully indemnify IIFA against any and all claims, losses, and damages (including legal fees) arising against IIFA on account of your breach of any terms and conditions of this contest.
Data Protection
  • The first names, surnames, and associated studio names (if applicable) of the Finalists put through to the Public Vote, and the Contest winners may be available from the date the various Finalists are selected for a minimum period of one week.
  • We may exercise its sole discretion to use all Finalists' names, city, state or province, and country of residence, images, and their comments relating to the Prize and Contest experience for promotion of the Prize, this Contest, or the Contest Parties, and for future promotional, marketing, and publicity purposes in any media worldwide without notice and without any fee being paid.
  • The information Contestants supply in connection with the Contest (including their personal details):
    1. may be included in a database compiled for the Contest and will be used for the purposes of selecting Finalists;
    2. may also be used for inclusion and/or read out in any programme produced in connection with the Contest;
    3. may be used to send prizes and/or merchandise to the Contestants by post, and
    4. will not be supplied to third parties (other than the Contest Parties) other than as is reasonably necessary to select Finalists and administer the Contest.
  • Any personal information provided by the Contestants will only be used by us in accordance with its Privacy Statement which is accessible for the purposes of the Contest or as otherwise set out in these Terms and Conditions.
  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit the Contest Parties' liability for death or personal or mental injury caused by their staff or supplier's negligence or for fraud. Subject to this, none of the Contest Parties can accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any Contestant entering the Contest or as a result of accepting the Prize. None of the Contest Parties are responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to Contestant's or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in the Contest.
  • None of the Contest Parties promise that the services relating to the Contest will be free from errors or omissions nor that they will be available uninterrupted and in a fully operating condition. These services may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair, or for reasons reasonably beyond the control of any Contest Party. We will not be liable in the event that all or any part of the service relating to the Contest is discontinued, modified, or changed in any way.
  • Organizer shall not be bound or the Contestants shall not be entitled to any remuneration, fee, reimbursements of cost or any payment of whatsoever nature of the work done.
  • The Contestant(s) agrees, confirms, and warrants that he/she shall have no right, title, interest, or other claim whatsoever over his/her performance/work/photos submitted in this Contest and the copyright in the same shall vest in the organizer in perpetuity for the entire world.
  • In the event that any Contestant does not, or is unable to, comply with and meet these Terms and Conditions and the Contest Information, we shall be entitled at its sole discretion to disqualify such Contestant, without any further liability to such Contestant. In these circumstances, any prize won by the Contestant may be forfeited. All Contestants must comply with any directions given by any Contest Party including but not limited to any and all relevant laws, rules, and regulations, and where applicable.
  • The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Terms and Conditions shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein.
  • Governing Law: The Contest and these Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed per the laws of Mumbai, India.
  • Dispute Resolution: Any dispute arising from or related to the Contest or these Terms and Conditions will be resolved through binding arbitration of a Sole Arbitrator as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and amendments. The arbitration will occur in Mumbai, India, and the arbitrator's decision will be final and binding.
  • Modification: Dance Mania reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Contest without notice. Dance Mania also reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions without notice.
  • Our Customer Services team may be contacted by e-mail at _______